White Crackle

After lots of good suggestions from Ramon Camarillo and Cassie Pickering, we’ve had much greater success White cracklewith white crackle.  The key seems to be to wait for about about a minute before removing it from the kiln.  We use face shield or good safety glasses and then spritz the surface with water from a spray bottle until we can see the cracks forming in the glaze.  Waiting that long the paper may be a little slow to light, so we have a propane torch nearby to ignite it if needed.

Since the glaze is clear, it is important to work on a light colored clay.  I used Soldate 60 for the piece on the right.  It is a very durable clay, and I like the pattern that it creates. Note that there is a finer crackle in between the wide darker crackle lines, which I enjoy.